“Call of the Night” is an entertaining supernatural romantic comedy manga series that became increasingly popular after receiving an anime adaptation. The amusing and unique adventures of Nazuna and Ko caught the attention of many romance enthusiasts.
Chapter 192 of the manga was released in Japan on November 15th and revealed crucial information about the series.
The 51st issue of Shogakukan’s ‘Weekly Shonen Sunday’ magazine confirmed that ‘Call of the Night’ manga would end after chapter 200.
If there are no delays, the manga can be expected to end on January 10, 2024. Readers now only have eight episodes to savor before bidding goodbye to this striking series.
‘Call of the Night’ takes a non-serious and fresh approach to the overused vampire trope. It focuses on the story of a teenage boy, Kou, who desires more from life. His desire becomes a reality when he meets a peculiar vampire girl, Nazuna. And the spectacular story of their nightly adventures begins.
The anime adaptation that was released in July 2022 was mainly responsible for the massive success of Call of the Night. This series also has an exciting plot line, striking characters, and an excellent art style, which gained global popularity.
Fans worldwide are saddened by this sudden announcement as there’s very little time before this series concludes.
However, fans are still hoping for better news in the form of a second season in 2024. A second season is bound to be a success, considering the incredible popularity of this series.
All we can do right now is savor the limited time until the series concludes and hope for a great ending.
About Call of the Night
Call of the Night manga by Kotoyama was first published in the Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine in 2019. The series will receive an anime adaptation in July 2022.
The series’ plot focuses on Ko Yamori, a human, and Nazuna, a laid-back and free-spirited vampire. After Ko discovers Nazuna’s nature, he wants to become a vampire too.
Yet, the only way to turn into a vampire is by falling in love with one.
Source: Official Twitter Account
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