After Insomniac released the critically acclaimed Spider-Man Title, a sequel was announced. Tony Todd was announced as the voice actor for Venom in the sequel, Spider-Man 2 in September 2021.
It was also confirmed that Yuri Lowenthal and Nadji Jeter would continue to voice Peter Parker and Miles Morales, respectively. However, despite the initial reveal trailer, there is not much news available for the upcoming game.
In December 2022, there was a bit of movement with a leak by one of the writers, confirming the developers were eyeing a “fall 2023” release window for the upcoming game.
Now, Todd has replied on Twitter to a fan confirming that the game is most likely to drop around September, following wide publicity and commercials in August.
Until the official announcement by Sony on this front, we have to take this as a rumor at best. However, coming from a man of the stature of Tony Todd, there is quite some element of truth in it.
As of December, last year, Sony announced that Spider-Man 2 would follow the events of Spider-Man and Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales and will bring back Peter Parker and Miles Morales’ spidey swinging back to NYC. The game is set for a PS5 exclusive launch in Fall 2023.
Tony Todd, known for his acclaimed role of the Candyman in several films, is quite expected to add some flair to the role of Venom in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. The teaser does just that, with his impeccable delivery giving goosebumps.
The developers surely have big shoes to fill after the success of Spider-Man. It will be interesting to see how far the developers push the limits of swinging and bring brand-new gameplay to hopeful-eyed fans.
About Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is an upcoming action-adventure game based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment.
It is the third overall entry in Marvel’s Spider-Man series, acting as a sequel to Marvel’s Spider-Man (2018), as well as a direct continuation of events from its DLC expansion The City That Never Sleeps and its spin-off Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales (2020).
It is set to release for PlayStation 5 in the Fall of 2023.
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