Gaming News Nintendo

Nintendo set to discontinue online features on Wii U and 3DS consoles

Nintendo had pulled the plug on the Nintendo eShop service for the Wii U and the 3DS earlier this year. This meant that players could not purchase titles from the store after deactivating the store-front. Now, Nintendo has announced on their official support that they will discontinue the online series […]

Gaming News Nintendo

Nintendo’s upcoming console, the Switch 2, might release in March 2024

When the Nintendo Switch was released six years ago in March, very few would have thought that the Switch would go on to become such a phenomenon. At the 7th anniversary of the Nintendo Switch in March 2024, Nintendo is looking to release their next console, dubbed the “Switch 2,” as per a reputed leak[…]

Hades News Nintendo PC

Supergiant’s Hades won’t Feature Cross-saves for PC and Switch

In a recent announcement on Twitter, Supergiant Games reported that its upcoming game Hades will not feature cross-save between PC and Switch on launch due to some setbacks during tests. The feature will be added through an update later on. In one of my previous articles, I stated how Roguelike is a particularly interesting video game

News Nintendo

Nintendo is Readying the Switch for the Next Generation!

According to a recent report from Bloomberg, there is a high chance that Nintendo Switch may be receiving an upgrade to its hardware, alongside an amazing line-up of video games. Even though the console has been out for only about four years at this point, it has set its mark as one of the best […]